when you see this Clown Police Officer, Do NOT let him catch you! (Run AWAY Fast)


when you see Clown Doctors in a Hospital helping injured Clowns.. RUN away FAST!Подробнее

If you ever see this FAT Clown at the clown tunnel, DO NOT let him eat you!! Run away FAST!!Подробнее

Если вы видите клоунский спецназ у вашего дома, БЕГИТЕ! (Они отвезли нас в Клоунскую тюрьму)Подробнее

when you see this Clown Police Officer, Do NOT let him catch you because it's FAKE @StromedyПодробнее

Если увидите клоунов в машине скорой помощи, помогающих раненому, БЕГИТЕ! (Клоунская больница?)Подробнее

when you see this clown fire truck filled with CLOWN Fireman, do not pass it! Drive away FAST!!Подробнее

when your drone see's clowns in a Hot air Balloon, RUN AWAY FAST! (Don't let them catch you)Подробнее

When your drone see's clown cowboys on Horses, do not let them catch you! RUN away FAST!!Подробнее

when your drone see's Clown Soldiers on a TANK, RUN away as FAST as possible! (It chased our car)Подробнее

when you see this clown farmer in a tractor, don't step on his land! RUN Away FAST if he chases you!Подробнее

when you see clowns on ATV’s do not let them catch you! Lock your doors and Keep driving away FAST!Подробнее

when you see Clowns VS Zombies don't approach them! Run AWAY Fast! (Battle of the Armies)Подробнее

when you see this Clown inside of Abandoned Clown Ghost Town RUN AWAY FAST! (It's CRAZY)Подробнее