NYM@MIA: Mets challenge the safe call at first

NYM@MIA: Granderson reaches first following challengeПодробнее

MIA@NYM: Realmuto safe at first after overturned callПодробнее

MIA@NYM: Yelich safe at first, call standsПодробнее

MIA@NYM: d'Arnaud ruled safe after call overturnedПодробнее

MIA@NYM: Loney gets to first, call confirmedПодробнее

MIA@NYM: Dietrich gets the out after challengeПодробнее

PHI@NYM: Johnson safe at first base after challengeПодробнее

PIT@NYM: Polanco retired after Mets challenge in 8thПодробнее

NYM@MIA: Gordon out following Mets challengeПодробнее

WSH@NYM: Mets challenge, get double play in the 7thПодробнее

MIA@NYM: Call stands after pickoff attempt in the 1stПодробнее

STL@NYM: Mets challenge safe call on Grichuk at firstПодробнее

NYM@CHC: Safe call at first overturned in 4thПодробнее

NYM@MIA: Safe call overturned after challenge in 8thПодробнее

NYM@MIA: Safe call overturned after challenge in 8thПодробнее

ATL@NYM: Mets challenge safe call, overturned at 1stПодробнее

ATL@NYM: Mets challenge out in 7th, call overturnedПодробнее

MIA@NYM: Call at first stands in the 2ndПодробнее

MIA@NYM: Call at first overturned after review in 3rdПодробнее